Cohado® The Game
Manifested through Paulo Gregory to experience each other and the context we share.
Cohado® began as a response to the feeling most concentrated in games like dominoes that are based on a single winner and everyone else loses. A feeling most of us feel, some from one side, others from the others.
We asked, what if we all could win together.
This is the origin and the outcome of The GAME.

The Origins of Cohado®
For decades I worked in the area of what I coined as Inter-Cultural Unity development — bridge-building across lines of difference within teams, organizations, and communities. This work was intense! There was a high degree of skepticism of its capacity to be effective, folk who were categorized as "privileged" had no desire to be called out or to lose their power, and folks who were not identified that way just wanted to do the work, get their check and go home.
Facilitating this work at a large hospital system in Portland, I stumbled on an architecture that shifted the whole conversation. It was not just looking at each other as singular mono-typical beings, but recognizing the truth that we are all complex multi-dimensional beings with strengths and challenges, and things about us that open doors, and things that make it difficult to find the door, or feel a sense of belonging due to the broader structure of what ever cultural context we are in. What makes this even more complex is that access granted through those cultural identities shift based upon the context we are in.
During that process working with the C-Suite through middle managers in that hospital system, a rather diverse cultural group, I was able to design a simply pyramidic chart that was able to break down this idea allowing virtually all individuals in the room a window in to the places they felt privileged, and those where they felt marginalized.
This chart was the genesis of the architecture of the game of Cohado® which did not emerge as a concept for several years after.
Cohado® At Play

How Does the Game Work?

Cohado® Platforms
Cohado® opens a variety of experiences that reinforce collaboration towards maximizing asset and minimizing waste. There are both physical and virtual Cohado® experiences, and Cohado® can be applied to what we refer to as the Ground Game meaning, once the paradigm is understood, it can literally bring insight and guidance to an context or interaction. Cohado® represents a simple yet powerful set of core values that translate intuitively to life, work and play. It also offers unlimited metaphors through out the experience that can open understanding to many situations off the table.